Digital Marketing for Construction & Real Estate Services Ready to grow but not sure where to start? Digital marketing for construction and real estate companies is a vast landscape and what works for one niche and market may not be the most effective in yours. As a seasoned digital marketing consultant with a background in business, I can help your company cut through the clutter and find the right solutions for your needs.

Types of Clients I Serve in the Construction and Real Estate Industries

Most businesses will benefit from construction and real estate marketing. However, if you work in one of the following industries, the insights a digital marketing consultant can provide will prove invaluable.

Property Management

Many property management companies focus all their marketing dollars on pay-per-click (PPC) ads. It’s not a bad place to start and it can certainly help generate leads if you’re targeting well, but it’s not a good long-term digital marketing strategy because your money only goes as far as that next lead. Just as you need a diverse portfolio to have a successful property management business, your marketing investments must be diversified too. From a professional website that cultivates trust with visitors through in-depth nurturing and referral campaigns, I can help you build a sustainable lead generation engine that helps you attract potential clients your business needs.

Property Developers

Even the best real estate marketing companies are often lost when it comes to online marketing for property developers. Not only do you have multiple distinct audiences to target, but your online presence needs to speak to all of them without putting off the other audiences. It’s a tall order. That’s why I build a distinct funnel for each target audience with messaging and resources that speak to their needs. This way, your digital marketing is far more effective, and your budget goes further.

Construction Companies and Contractors

The construction industry is diverse, but unfortunately, most construction marketing takes a cookie-cutter approach. Instead of finding out which keywords your particular audience is typing into search engines like Google, most search engine optimization (SEO) professionals will use a generic subset of search terms that don’t necessarily relate to your construction company, let alone convert. Effective digital marketing for construction companies starts with getting to know not just construction businesses as a whole but also your business and what makes it unique. Are you a contractor who specializes in residential work or commercial? Someone who works exclusively with developers or real estate agents?  Your online presence should speak to this, just as your presence should convey your best work as a commercial construction company or samples of homes you’ve worked on if you’re residential-focused. Everything, from your website’s design to blogs and social media profiles on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, must convey the same core messages and branding. You won’t get this through a traditional marketing agency, which is why working with a digital marketing consultant is essential.

Real Estate Agents

Did you know that an average of 450,000 searches are run on Google each month for “homes for sale?” Or that 75,000 are run for “commercial property for sale?” Your competitors do, and you aren’t going to stand out in a saturated market using real estate marketing strategies that others have had nailed down tight for a decade or more. Unfortunately, most real estate marketing companies do just this. They put together a short website, optimize it for the most generic terms possible, then throw in an MLS feed and call it good. It’s not effective because it doesn’t bring in anyone who wasn’t already looking for you specifically. For real estate social media marketing companies and digital marketing companies to be effective, you need branding, quality SEO, and a full-scale strategy. A consultant addresses all this, so your online presence generates real leads and helps build long-term relationships within the communities you work.

Online Marketing Solutions for Effective Brand Recognition

Your online strategy plays an important role in establishing and maintaining your brand’s presence. By focusing on both website design and development, we ensure that your digital footprint not only captures the essence of your brand but also effectively communicates with your target market. Our approach includes content creation that speaks directly to key stakeholders within the construction and real estate industries. By implementing various marketing initiatives, from social media platforms to SEO-driven content marketing, we improve your visibility and engagement with potential clients. This approach allows us to create custom web design solutions that drive not just traffic but meaningful interactions, building a foundation of trust and loyalty that is essential for sustained business success in competitive markets.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Construction and Real Estate Companies

Leads aren’t cheap in your industry, but most digital marketing for construction and real estate companies overlooks this. While lead generation is essential, what happens after you get that lead matters just as much. That’s why my strategies go beyond generation and include aspects that reduce your cost per lead and help turn more leads into customers too.

Digital Marketing for Construction and Real Estate

Digital Marketing for Construction and Real Estate

  • Website Chat Services
  • Lead Recovery
  • Pay-Per-Click
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Writing
  • Reputation Management
  • Conversion Optimization

Four Digital Marketing Strategies That Construction and Real Estate Should Leverage

In addition to the strategies mentioned earlier, your construction and real estate marketing can be more effective when you integrate additional tactics.

1. Influencer Marketing

Historically, influencer marketing has been done on a macro level by bringing in celebrities to help promote your brand. These days, it’s done on a micro-level. For example, maybe a local DIYer has a YouTube channel you can be featured on, or someone with a social following has used your services.

2. Chatbot Marketing

How many people leave your website without taking action? A chatbot can help reduce that number considerably by engaging visitors and answering their questions.

3. Email Marketing

Your leads will likely engage with many companies on some level before deciding and moving forward. Therefore, email marketing for construction and real estate companies is all about nurturing.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a non-sales way to reach your audience. It involves creating helpful content, such as blogs, checklists, guides, videos, infographics, and whitepapers, and distributing it across various channels, including your website, social media, email, and other properties around the net. It may have optimizations, such as keywords, or be the destination used in an advertisement too. However, the end goal is always to educate or give your prospect something they can use. In industries with long sales cycles, such as construction or real estate, it keeps your brand top-of-mind and builds rapport so that when prospects are ready to move forward, your company is the one at the top of their list. Good content marketing can help nudge prospects toward readiness too.

Disadvantages of Hiring a Construction and Real Estate Marketing Agency

Although working with a consultant and construction and real estate marketing agency may sound the same on the surface, the process and results can be quite different. When you work with an agency:

  • The agency will typically use generalized resources. For example, they may not understand MLS, avenues you can use to market or recognize the niche differences in your specialty. As a consultant dedicated to your industry, I’m well-versed in the differences agencies often overlook.
  • The agency will typically only excel in one area. For example, the agency may make a killer website but not understand how to optimize it or use content marketing to drive traffic to it. As a consultant, I ensure each aspect of your digital marketing is performed by a specialist in that area.
  • The agency will be removed from your business, and few get to know your philosophies or ideal clients. As a consultant, I become an extension of your team and ensure everyone who works on your marketing stays true to your brand and contributes to the bigger picture.

Improve Your Digital Marketing for Construction and Real Estate

An innovative marketing approach is key for business growth, especially in the construction and real estate sectors. Whether you are a real estate developer looking to highlight pre-construction marketing or a construction professional aiming to improve your visibility, our team of experts is equipped to handle every project with precision. Our services ensure a coordinated and attractive digital marketing presence. By partnering with us, you can expect a data-driven, collaborative approach that exceeds your marketing efforts. Let us help you grow your business where the market demands nothing but the best.

Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Strategist for Construction and Real Estate

As a consultant specializing in marketing for construction and real estate companies, I can help your company level up in many ways. Depending on your unique goals, you can:

  • Improve your construction and real estate marketing online presence.
  • Effectively manage your construction and real estate marketing digital brand.
  • Improve your construction and real estate digital marketing ROI.
  • Attain measurable construction and real estate digital marketing results.
  • Tap into one-stop digital marketing consulting for businesses in the construction and real estate industries.

Your Real Estate and Construction Marketing Strategy Will Follow a Tailored Process

In addition to leveraging traditional digital marketing strategies, my proven process is tailored to your business goals and needs, so I’ll also help you:

  • Build brand awareness.
  • Help potential clients find you.
  • Build loyalty and trust.

We’ll Drive the Right Clients to Your Construction or Real Estate Website

As part of our full-scale strategy, your custom digital marketing plan will also direct your ideal client to your website through:

  • Search traffic.
  • Other traffic sources, like social media and referrals.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation for Your Construction or Real Estate Business

I begin all projects with a complimentary consultation. It’s an opportunity for me to learn about your company and identify ways I can help and for you to learn about me and my processes, so you can determine if my approach feels like the right fit for your needs. If you’re ready to scale through construction and real estate digital marketing, let’s schedule a time to talk.