Social media for your business is a crucial and powerful marketing tool if you know how to use it. Have you ever wondered why your business sucks on social media? I bet it has nothing to do with your budget! If you don’t want your business to be the next funeral I attend, you better read carefully, pay attention, take notes, and oh yeah, you can share this too!
If you are struggling with the competition in your marketplace, and your company has not been producing the revenue or leads needed to meet your sales targets, you need to act fast and change the way you do business.
Keep in Mind to Always be Ready to Adapt to:
- Change,
- Technology, and
- Social Media
These aren’t choices anymore. If you can’t make it, expect to break the bank, your company’s bank. If you don’t like change, you will be facing extinction.
In Order to Make Necessary Changes, You Should:
- Be inquisitive
- Have an open mindset
- Not ignore the role social media plays
You shouldn’t make assumptions either and just roll with them. You might as well be throwing in the white flag. This happens with too many companies that have started out with social media without a clear direction. Seeking the truth behind social media platforms and developing a marketing strategy around them will lead you down a path: one where you will find what you like or you won’t. Either way, you will be leaving yourself open for better opportunities for your business and no longer preventing your company from reaping the benefits it gives. But first, you must dig into it.
The World is Shifting
Does anyone remember a time we used beepers and spread traffic through television, magazines, yellow pages, and radio? Today, we spend much more time online, especially on social media channels. Technology has gifted us with the ability to select what we do or don’t like–watch movies we want to watch, listen to music we love, and none that we hate! Think about the future; it lies in the crevasses of the vast: the Internet.
Recognizing this is the first step to becoming successful in social media. The second is being able to stay up-to-date with all of this technology–specifically social media technologies.
We Are All Born Social Butterflies
The majority of internet users are on:
- YouTube
- TikTok
I am guessing you are there too and guess what? So is everyone else–if you want to swim with the big fish, you must first go where the fish are – fish where the fish are. It makes sense, doesn’t it? You should use your social media profile properties to your advantage. You can use the various social media networks to connect with potential clients, who are also spending time on all of these social channels.
The State of Business
The benefits of social media for businesses are tremendous. This is why most businesses are either starting to focus on the Internet, or digital marketing, or are already there. The numbers are climbing in terms of ad spending. In 2005, companies were spending approximately $500 million on online advertising. In 2013, the numbers jumped from $500 million to an astonishing $3.8 billion being spent online! Today, a mind-numbing 298.1 billion is being spent on internet advertising, a 47.7% share of total advertising.
Why Social Media?
Having a social media presence is effective and low-cost, simply put. You are able to connect with your clients, millennials and baby boomer alike, on a level that other marketing can’t convey.
- Effective
- Low Cost
- Timely
- Engaging
- Long Term
- Targeted
- Viral
- Personable
- Measurable
Are you utilizing social networks for your business? Let me know how that is working for you (you can type your comments below) Not good? Well, why not?! Let me guess. No clear strategy or professional training!
You are in business, and you want to connect with your potential clients in a personable, measurable manner. But let me ask you this: How can you correctly connect virtually with your target audience, and not having a clear strategy for what you are doing?
So you see, your problem does not lie in the fact that you are consistently budgeting social media into your company, but rather that you are not correctly executing things because of your knowledge gap. You’re not building brand awareness.
You think these billion-dollar companies, who are generating massive sales and exposure from social media, just woke up one morning, decided to start using social media, and thought, “Oh! Hey! I am going to start my social media today.” You think they signed on to their social media accounts, talked to people, and thought, “Wow, this is easy!” I’ll just talk to a few fans here, tweet something there, put stuff here and there, and BOOM: Interaction. Success. Leads. New Customers. Money… Nonsense! It just doesn’t work this way. A helpful social media tip is to create a posting schedule. Platforms such as Hootsuite or Buffer can be an asset for this type of social media strategy.
From over 20 years of experience in the industry, most businesses have 3 major objectives:
- Customer Communication and Retention
- Credibility and Awareness
- Sales and Lead Generation
All of the above can be achieved via social media, but you need to learn and strategize for it by setting business goals. Bottom line. Success will not come easy for those who do not–if it comes at all. Social media networks are great channels for credibility, sales, and communication. Each has its own importance in the growth of your business. If you don’t pay attention to specifics, you will be left behind, and I am sure to be attending your business’s funeral next.
Make sure you are profiting from all of the benefits of social media for your business. Contact me today to take your social media marketing to the next level.